Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Robotics Impacts Student Ability at Innovation and Creativity!

Are there ways to impact students ability to be more innovative and creative?
Using these techniques will make a profound difference in your class.
"By the time a child is 10 or 12, he or she has figured out that it's much more important to get right answers than to keep asking thoughtful questions",  according to research for Tony Wagner's bestselling book, Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who will Change the World. 

Wagner says "a child's innovative framework is strengthened when teachers bring a sense of play to the curriculum; taking offbeat approaches and making whimsical connections to the course material." This allows children to think creatively-opting to think in new ways.

2. Curiosity
Programs that allow children time to interact with various technology-related materials, and engage in a variety of individual and team projects create greater understanding and a desire to learn more.

In conducting interviews with hundreds of innovative people for his book, Wagner also found innovative people were shown how to connect their passion to success. The best teachers and parents always supported what the students' passions and natural curiosities were, and made an effort to connect what needed to be learned to satisfy that curiosity.
They let children choose the subject matter they wished to study or design their own investigations to learn more. This connected success leads to a larger purpose-children's individual motivations and interests, he says.

Increased fearlessness, especially when it comes to taking risks and trying new ways of doing things, makes children better at creative problem solving. If you can name effort as the thing that you want to encourage, effort creates ability.

Having a greater sense of purpose makes finding solutions more urgent. This gives innovators greater incentive to take risks, and look for new methods of solving challenging issues."

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